We highly recommend you take a moment to carefully read the following information as it is crucial for ensuring your website functions as expected.

  1. Please do not delete this page: We strongly recommend that you do not delete this page. It contains all the website’s original sections that have been saved, so if you ever make a mistake or accidentally delete a section, you can add it back by adding a new section and then choosing "Saved Sections." From there, you can insert the section into any page you need. For more information on sections and saved sections, click here

  2. Below this section are some additional instructions on how to edit and manage specific features on the website. Please ensure you read this information.

  3. Editing: When editing your website, exercise caution and avoid making hasty changes. Always double-check your modifications before saving to prevent any unintended consequences.

  4. Trial Website: Please remember that your website is currently in the trial phase. To launch the website and make it live, you will need to purchase a suitable plan with Squarespace.

We hope this information helps you in optimising your website and ensuring a seamless user experience. If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.

How to Edit Home Page Section One


How to change text content:

  1. Navigate to the home page and click on the "Edit" option.

  2. There are two layers of text. The initial layer is the outlined text, and it needs to remain on top.

  3. Select the outlined text, move it upward by a few rows, and then replace the text inside with your desired content.

  4. Next, choose the text underneath it and replace the text as done for the text above.

  5. Move the top layer of text back down to align with the text below it.

  6. Click "Save" to apply the changes.


How to change text outline colour:

  1. Press the "/" forward slash on your keyboard and type "CSS," then hit "Enter."

  2. Look for a comment at the top, indicating where to change the hex color code for the text outline.

  3. Once you've located the comment, modify the colour code to your preference.

  4. After changing the colour code, remember to click "Save" to apply the changes.

  5. For adjusting the colour of the bottom text, you can do so in the editor.



When adjusting the size of this section, DO NOT click the three dots, as shown in the photo to the right.

If you accidentally click these three dots, you will need to enter the number "91" and then choose either S, M, or L to control the height as an alternative.

This caution is essential because there is code dependent on this specific number to perform certain functions. Clicking the three dots or changing the number to something else will break the code.

How to Edit Home Page Section Four

  1. Navigate to the home page and click "Edit"

  2. Place your cursor on the last service item, press "Enter" on your keyboard, and a new line will appear.

  3. Type in your new text and press "Enter" again to create the next item.

  4. Highlight the text, then click on the "Link" option.

  5. Press the "/" forward slash on your keyboard, then select the page you want to link the text to.

  6. Click "Apply." This process also works for changing links in other text items.

  7. To delete a text item, simply press "Backspace" until the line disappears.


How to change the hover background colour:

  1. Press the "/" forward slash on your keyboard and type "CSS," then hit "Enter."

  2. Look for a comment at the top, indicating where to change the hex colour code for the hover feature.

  3. Once you've located the comment, modify the colour code to your preference.

  4. After changing the colour code, remember to click "Save" to apply the changes.



When adjusting the size of this section, DO NOT click the three dots, as shown in the photo to the right.

If you accidentally click these three dots, you will need to enter the number "91" and then choose either S, M, or L to control the height as an alternative.

This caution is essential because there is code dependent on this specific number to perform certain functions. Clicking the three dots or changing the number to something else will break the code.

 Original Sections









Embrace the art of visual storytelling with Lolita, where every image paints a thousand words. At Lolita, we are more than just a photography studio – we are curators of moments, enthusiasts of creativity, and storytellers of life's beautiful narratives.


  • Capturing individuals, families, or groups in professional and creative portraits, showcasing personality and capturing memorable moments.

  • Creating impactful images for businesses, brands, and products, helping to enhance marketing materials, advertisements, and online presence.

  • Creating impactful images for businesses, brands, and products, helping to enhance marketing materials, advertisements, and online presence.

  • Documenting special events, ceremonies, and celebrations, providing clients with high-quality images that preserve the essence and emotions of the occasion.
